Friday, August 29, 2008

A Breath of Fresh Air

Sarah Palin, Vice Presidential Candidate. What a breath of fresh air! A Washington Outsider. Conservative. Prolife. Young. Dynamic. Tough Cookie. Small town advocate. Middle Class ties. Worker friendly. Pro energy independence. Energy expert. Pro USA. A woman & mother. Good choice John McCain, a wonderful pick. Now this IS the winning ticket!

Obama's ticket does the talk and your ticket does the walk!


Anonymous said...

I recently saw (today)a interview on C-span that was taped on 2-28-08 and when Sarah Palin was asked about her family there she replied that she had 4 children with no mention about her pregnancy or reference to a new addition.
If she is pro life then why would she not mention this when specifically asked. I wonder about this.

jywheeler said...

Maybe there was an issue about the viability of her pregnancy at that time. Having had a miscarriage myself, I know how devestating that can be to someone.

There's always the rest of the story...the fact that she had a downs syndrome child and didn't take the easy way out and kill it, makes me respect her even more.