Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Red Hat Hula

Dressed in our purple (or under 50 - Lavendar) and flowers in our hair, our red hat club, the Brush Babes & Buds held their first Annual Hula. One of our club member's daughter has been doing hula for 20 years. She came to teach us to hula to 2 songs.

As we were in the middle of the hula, between songs, we heard the sounds of bag pipes. Turns out it was for a wedding across the street at the church. It was a little strange to be doing the hula to Hawaiian music and Bag Pipes!

It was a lot of fun. I'm very left handed so I usually end up starting on the left side rather than the right which means I end up running into added a great bit of humor to the dance. Another one of those Lucy Episodes I live in.

Anyway, it was such a hit, that we decided to do it every year.


Lisa said...

Sounds like you all had alot of fun, they have hula hoop exercise classes that might be a fun one for you all! :)

readingsully2 said...

Great fun. I have been wanting to take lessons too. :)

readingsully2 said...

I am nominating you for the 'One Lovely Blog Award'. If you should like to accept, please come to my blog. :)