Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thoughts of Friendship

I was just thinking this morning, how lucky I am to have so many friends. I have friends from my childhood, high school years, work friends, online friends, friends in the neighborhood, elderly friends, young friends and family who are also friends....yes most people love their relatives but not everyone LIKES their relatives........

Thank you God for blessing me with the gift of friendship!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

A wonderful birthday...happy birthday to me

Well the 2nd was my birthday. I had a wonderful day. I started it with Morning Mass, then I went shopping (yeahhhh), then a friend called and invited me to a boat ride. So she, me and her husband rode by boat over to the Eastern Shore for lunch at a restuarant then came back. In the evening I went to dinner with friends and family and then later that evening went to Taize (a worship service)....it was a great day.

Yesterday, July 4th, we had a cookout at my parents. Of course ever since I've been alive we've celebrated my birthday on July 4th...this year was no different. Mom had bought a 5 and 3 candle for 53 but my daughter turned it around to 35! YEAH I wish! :)