Saturday, March 15, 2025

It's been along time since I babbled.....

 ....but here we are....I'm a lot older than the last time I did. 11 years to be exact....This July I'll be 70....WTH! Where did the time go? In one of my more insane moments I decided to buy a miniature poodle puppy. What 69 year old woman in her right mind gets a puppy? I named him Angelo. 

He's named for my father's brother who died at 6 weeks old from the Spanish Flu.  My Dad used to take my grandmother once a month to the cemetery to visit the grave of Angelo and her stillborn infant, Giovanni.  Just before Dad died I took him to the cemetery to visit the grave of his baby brothers. So Angelo (Italian for Angel) is not just an angel to me after the loss of my beloved Luigi the Cockapoo but a nod and tribute to my Dad. 

Saturday, July 5, 2014

watching the water...

Its back home...a day of relaxation. Sleeping in. Watching the water go by. Slots tournament. Watching the water go by. Shopping onboard. Watching the water go by.  Gambling. Watching the water go by......good bye hot humid weather and back to the not so hot humid weather. I will miss the aqua color water and the sandy beaches...until next time.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Grand Bahama Island

Early Day and a short day to boot. Todays excursion was to the Garden of Groves. It was beautiful with 4 waterfalls, a labrynth, lots of ponds and beautiful birds and vegetation. We learned about a healing plant/tree, Neem. In fact I bought some insect repellant, tea and a variety of sample products. Bahamians use lots of plants for healing and special purposes. That was a theme on all 3 islands.

I always buy one piece of small art where ever I go. So I bought a piece of art from a local artist. He was selling his matted prints so cheap. I gave him more money than he wanted for it. He said he sold them cheap because he needed to do that to sell them. But I argued that paying for the print, matting it and packaging doesnt  leave him much profit. He was so talented and kind. I hope he sells out all his art.

Our bus driver and tour guide Al was a hoot. I enjoyed his jokes. We had a really nasty lady on the trip. She kept saying he should tell us all this crap so many times. Later when we were at the Garden, a young Asian woman was translating for her mother. The nasty lady told her to be quiet. I wanted to jump over the seat and strangle her. Later I offered to take a photo of the Asian family and I apologized for that womans rudeness. I was so embarrassed about her behavior.

On the way back we went to the Port Lacaya shopping center. We only had a hour so we didn't shop. We decided to eat lunch instead.

Now back to the ship for shopping and dinner at the Steak House with the group from the club.

Half Moon Cay

We took the most awesome eco tour today.  It was in the lagoon by boat. The tour guide was very knowledgeable. Glenn agreed that it was one of the best we have been on.  Stupid me brought one ticket fortoday and one for tomorrow. Fortunately it was on an island that belongs to the cruise lines so they were able to print a duplicate.

After the tour we were dropped off to the island barbecue pavilions. The food was very good. There were roosters and chickens running all over begging for hand outs. At one point Glenn was going to get something to drink and I was eating. All of a sudden I hear people hollaring. A rooster had jumped on the seat of the picnic table and was about to eat Glenns lunch.  After lunch we headed back to the boat. Tomorrow Grand Bahama Island.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Grand Turk

Happy Birthday to me.  Up early and off the ship for our excursion. We were taken around the island via an open bus.  Grank Turk is one of 30 islands and cays. It is not the largest nor the most populated but it is the Capital so there are lots of government agencies there.

During our tour, we saw a replica of Friendship 7,  the capsule John Glenn landed in only 10 miles off the island. We visited the lighthouse and went off road to a beach where they had submerged a kayak and used it for a touch tank for anemones, conch, sand dollars and other aquatic life. The attendant demonstrated how to open a conch and sliced the poor thing up for an afternoon snack. Glenn ate some but I like my food dead and cooked so I passed. I just went off taking photos.

Wild donkeys were everywhere looking for a scratch and handout.

Back in the vehicle, we drove by their "hospital" and I thank God for my blessings. We stopped by a little shopping area. Most of the houses were nice some were obviously destroyed by hurricanes. They use the same numbering system our government uses when the search houses after hurricanes and they so spray paint them on the exterior walls. It made me sad to see a death count.

I counted 4 Catholic. 2 Angelican Episcopol and one 7th Day Adventist. And besides 2 elentary schools there was a high school and a community college. The CC had been a US Government NOAA facility.  We stopped at a little local market place. I didn't buy anything.

Then we were returned to the cruise center at the dock where I bought a necklace, earring, bracelet and we ate lunch at Margaritaville.

When we returned to the ship I found a wonderful birthday cake sent to me by Charmaine and Klem. What a nice surprise.

Day 3

Another wonderful day at sea...moving along to our islands and enjoying it. I spent most of the day reading and just relaxing. We did go to bingo and I was just one number away. Oh well.

We.went to a couple of sales but I only bought a new Nook holder.

In the evening we watched a show and tonight we decided just to eat in the Mermaid Grille instead of sit down dinner. Off to bed early because tomorrow is an island day and I need to get up early.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Day Two ...Day at Sea

Cruise Days...I love them. I got up early, grabbed a cup of coffee and my camera and off I went. It is so nice early on the ship when everyone is still in their cabins. I get to take those artsy fartsy photos with no people in the way.

Later I just sat on the top deck reading my book and watching the water go by. I love that part of the cruise...just watching the water. Later me and the DH went to play bingo. Not even close to a win but it was fun just the same.

Got to see some dolphins off the starboard side of the ship. I wasn't fast enough with the camera

At dinner we sat with 3 other couples from the club who were good friends with my parents. I knew Mom and Dad were there when the dining staff sang Dean Martin's That's Amore (one of Dads favorite songs and singers).  It was fun. They are fun people.

Oh I forgot to mention. When I arrived my roomwas decorated n Birthday decorations. At first I thought the cruise line did it but I found a gift slip. It was from my friends Charmaine and Klem. Nice surprise.